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Sermo Connects Physicians
Empowering Global Physician Collaboration with SERMO’s Digital Community

Product Duration
14 months
The Idea
In 2005 when a group of physicians wanted an online community to seek advice and connect with other doctors Sermo was born. In Latin, Sermo means conversation and it has become a common place for doctors to do just that! Physicians are able to access an online community where they can freely share ideas and their opinions on things like politics influencing medicine, and cases they haven’t seen before from others with different specialties. It offers a unique physician-first online community that allows clinicians to communicate about issues that are important to themselves and their patients.
Colors & Typography
Enim platea orci vitae condimentum mi egestas. Sit non diam tellus id. Lacus sem sit purus aliquam ullamcorper sit id. Quam habitasse mus fermentum nulla sed etdipiscing amet adipiscing donec sed.
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R: 3 G: 124 B: 155
R: 20 G: 123 B: 228
R: 28 G: 27 B: 132
R: 239 G: 242 B: 249
R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
The Experience
When Sermo came to us an app already existed, but it needed updating. As Sermo made an effort to gain an international audience, they knew it was important to develop an app that also made adoption easy. The goal was to move Sermo into a social network paradigm that included much-needed features like an activity feed.
The new app would be central to the international launch because for one, in certain countries, physicians only had access to the internet via mobile devices. For two, the higher proliferation of mobile devices. The team at Sermo wanted to create similar intuitive features utilized in other social media apps and Rocket Farm recognized that there were specific challenges in creating a mobile app for physicians.
“They took the time to understand our target and what we wanted to accomplish. They did the research.”
- Jamie Fernandes,
VP of Product
Colors & Typography
R: 88 G: 44 B: 143
R: 136 G: 145 B: 255
R: 88 G: 44 B: 143
R: 22 G: 21 B: 37
R: 88 G: 44 B: 143
R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
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The Experience
UI Design
The design initially took a few months, but getting full functionality took around six. The amount of functionality was big as getting responsiveness out of any wireless device is always a challenge.
We created a way to allow Sermo members to follow popular posts, view comment strings, real-time voting on medical trends and issues, and earn honoraria by providing expertise.
Making it work
Rocket Farm introduced a new paradigm for consuming user-generated content in this app.
They wanted clients to push their own content, and actions the community could participate in (such as taking surveys). The feed was the key to aggregating all of this content and presenting it in a meaningful way.
Physicians are traditionally used to viewing forms, so the activity feed is new to them but we made it so the app works by bridging the old and the new.
“Rocket Farm did a good job reacting to requirement and scope changes. There were challenges that came up all the time, and everyone reacted well to them.”
- Jamie Fernandes,
VP of Product
Where are they now?
Today Sermo is considered the future of doctors’ interactions. They currently have more than 1.3 million healthcare providers across 150 countries and continue to grow every day.
Healthcare Providers
1.3 Million+
“It was always a positive and professional experience with Rocket Farm Studios, and most importantly we accomplished what we set out to do.”

Jamie Fernandes
VP of Product
Interactive Dashboards

Our Results
Every project we undertake is an opportunity to create something impactful.
Every project we undertake is an opportunity to create something impactful.

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At Rocket Farm Studios, our approach is designed to guide you through every phase of product development, ensuring that your vision is realized with excellence and positioned for success in the marketplace.